Sunday, September 11, 2011

"From behind, you don't even look pregnant." :)

Just watched the season finale of Entourage.  Johnny Drama is a kook and a half, but he made me laugh out loud louder than I have in a long time.  He provided E with this advice... He said something to the effect of... no matter what, always remember to say "from behind, you don't even look pregnant." Too funny. Just like most women, I have my share of body issues, but I'm actually loving my pregnant body.  Although I am clumsier than all get out, definitely sharing many brain cells with the kiddo, could do w/o these monsters on my chest, and apparently I now have a little super human strength kickin.  I randomly broke a glass today by just slamming it into the cabinet door for no apparent reason.  Weird.  Luckily no humans or animals (or my peanut butter and pineapple jelly sandwich) were harmed. Just another "normal" day in pregnant lady land. :)

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